[Olympic Circuit Theory 2019] Final result of the 2018 - 2019 Olympic Circuit Theory Competition of School of Electrical Engineering

Tuesday - 28/05/2019 03:36

School of Electrical Engineering would like to announce and congratulate the following students who have won the prize in the 2018-2019 Olympic Circuit Theory competition:  

No. Name Student ID Tranining Programes Score Prize
1 Nguyễn Hữu Lâm 20177037 Kỹ thuật điện-K62 9     First Prize
2 Nguyễn Xuân Khải 20173970 KTĐK-TĐH-K62 7.5    Third Prize        
3 Nguyễn Văn Linh 20174020 KTĐK-TĐH-K62 7.5    Third Prize  
4 Đỗ Văn Phương 20174123 KTĐK-TĐH-K62 7.5    Third Prize  
5 Phạm Nguyễn Minh Đức 20173038 KSTN-ĐKTĐ - K62 6 Consolate Prize
6 Trần Ngọc Khoa 20173986 KTĐK-TĐH-K62 6 Consolate Prize
7 Nguyễn Hữu Tài 20174183 KTĐK-TĐH-K62 6 Consolate Prize
8 Nguyễn Đức Thuận 20170148 KSTN-ĐKTĐ - K62 6 Consolate Prize

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