[Dept. of Industrial Automation] Schedule for course projects, graduation internship and graduation project in semester 20182

Wednesday - 29/05/2019 21:37

Dept. of Industrial Automation announces the plan for course projects, graduation project and graduation project in semester 2018.2 as follows:

1. Project 2, Specialized Project and graduation internship:

From 8:30 am, 07/06/2019: List of teachers participating assignment for course project and graduation internship will be annouced. Students should contact teachers directly for assignments.

2. Graduation project:

The graduation project of student should be written in prescribed form with two-side printing. Detail schedule as follows:

- 09:00 am - 11:30 am, 11/06/2019: Students submit thesis at Room 104 - C9 Bldg. CD version is not required.

- 14:30 pm - 17:00 pm, 18/06/2019: Students received back thesis at Room 104 - C9 Bldg.

- 20 - 21/06/2019: Graduation project assignments. Detail information will be annouce later.

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