[Recruitment 2019] Vietnam Machinery Installation Corporation JSC

Tuesday - 21/05/2019 09:08

Vietnam Machinery Installation Corporation - JSC (LILAMA) is an enterprise operating in the field of Construction and Mechanical Engineering; is the leading EPC contractor (design, equipment supply, construction) in Vietnam in the energy and chemical industry.

In order to meet the demand of manpower to implement national key projects on electricity, petrochemical and chemicals in the coming time, LILAMA needs to recruit human resources in the following fields:

- Mechanical engineer: 15 people

- Electrical engineer: 05 people

- Welding engineer: 02 people

- Construction engineer (architecture, construction economics): 03 people

- Chemical engineer: 01 person

- Heat engineer: 02 people

- Bachelor of Economics: 02 people

Detailed information about the time profile, time and location of contacting, please submit the file to see more in the attached file HERE


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