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Viet Hung Nguyen, Duy Tien Bui, Thanh Lam Tran, Cong Thang Truong, Thu Huong Truong, Scalable and resilient 360-degree-video adaptive streaming over HTTP/2 against sudden network drops, Computer Communications, Volume 216, 2024, Pages 1-15, ISSN 0140-3664.
Thu Huong Truong, Huu Du Nguyen, Thi Quynh Anh Mai, Hoang Long Nguyen, Tran Nhat Minh Dang, Thi-Thu-Hong Phan, A deep learning-based approach for bee sound identification, Ecological Informatics, Volume 78, 2023, 102274, ISSN 1574-9541,
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Nguyen Huu Du, Nguyen Hoang Long, Kieu Ngan Ha, Nguyen Viet Hoang, Truong Thu Huong, Kim Phuc Tran,Trans-Lighter: A light-weight federated learning-based architecture for Remaining Useful Lifetime prediction, Computers in Industry, Volume 148, 2023, 103888, ISSN 0166-3615,
T. T. Huong et al., "Federated Learning-Based Explainable Anomaly Detection for Industrial Control Systems," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 53854-53872, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3173288.
T. T. Huong et al., "An Effective Foveated 360° Image Assessment Based on Graph Convolution Network," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 98165-98178, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204766
Huong Thu Truong, Bac Phuong Ta, Quang Anh Le, Dan Minh Nguyen, Cong Thanh Le, Hoang Xuan Nguyen, Ha Thu Do, Hung Tai Nguyen, Kim Phuc Tran, Light-weight federated learning-based anomaly detection for time-series data in industrial control systems, Computers in Industry, Volume 140, 2022, 103692, ISSN 0166-3615,
D. Nguyen, N. V. Hung, N. T. Phong, T. T. Huong and T. C. Thang, "Scalable Multicast for Live 360-Degree Video Streaming Over Mobile Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 38802-38812, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3165657.
N. H. Thanh, N. Trung Kien, N. V. Hoa, T. T. Huong, F. Wamser and T. Hossfeld, "Energy-Aware Service Function Chain Embedding in Edge–Cloud Environments for IoT Applications," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 17, pp. 13465-13486, 1 Sept.1, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3064986.
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Truong Thu Huong, Ta Phuong Bac, Dao Minh Long, Tran Duc Luong, Nguyen Minh Dan, Le Anh Quang, Le Thanh Cong, Bui Doan Thang, Kim Phuc Tran, Detecting cyberattacks using anomaly detection in industrial control systems: A Federated Learning approach,Computers in Industry, Volume 132, 2021, 103509, ISSN 0166-3615,
Huong Thu Truong, Bac Phuong Ta, Quang Anh Le, Dan Minh Nguyen, Cong Thanh Le, Hoang Xuan Nguyen, Ha Thu Do, Hung Tai Nguyen, Kim Phuc Tran, Light-weight federated learning-based anomaly detection for time-series data in industrial control systems, Computers in Industry, Volume 140, 2022, 103692, ISSN 0166-3615,
T. T. Huong et al., "Federated Learning-Based Explainable Anomaly Detection for Industrial Control Systems," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 53854-53872, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3173288.
Huong Thu Truong, Bac Phuong Ta, Quang Anh Le, Dan Minh Nguyen, Cong Thanh Le, Hoang Xuan Nguyen, Ha Thu Do, Hung Tai Nguyen, Kim Phuc Tran, Light-weight federated learning-based anomaly detection for time-series data in industrial control systems, Computers in Industry, Volume 140, 2022, 103692, ISSN 0166-3615,
T. T. Huong et al., "An Effective Foveated 360° Image Assessment Based on Graph Convolution Network," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 98165-98178, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204766.
Trung V Phan, Tri Gia Nguyen, Nhu-Ngoc Dao, Truong Thu Huong, Nguyen Huu Thanh, Thomas Bauschert,DeepGuard: Efficient Anomaly Detection in SDN with Fine-grained Traffic Flow Monitoring, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management , Volume 3.878 ,Pages N.A , Issue Early Access , (ISSN 1932-4537) .
Pham Hong Thinh, Nguyen Thanh Dat, Pham Ngoc Nam, Nguyen Huu Thanh, Nguyen Minh Hien, Truong Thu Huong,An Efficient QoE-Aware HTTP Adaptive Streaming over Software Dened Networking, Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications , Volume 2.76 ,Pages NA , Issue 2020 .
Huyen TT Tran, Duc V Nguyen, Nam Pham Ngoc, Trang H Hoang, Truong Thu Huong, Truong Cong Thang,Impacts of Retina-Related Zones on Quality Perception of Omnidirectional Image, IEEE access , Volume 3.745 ,Pages 166997 - 167009 , Issue 7 , (ISSN 2169-3536)
Van Tuyen Dang, Truong Thu Huong, Nguyen Huu Thanh, Pham Ngoc Nam, Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Alan Marshall,SDN-Based SYN Proxy—A Solution to Enhance Performance of Attack Mitigation Under TCP SYN Flood, The Computer Journal - Oxford Journals ,Pages 518-534 , Issue 62 , (ISSN 0010-4620) .
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